Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Service Site

Today I went to my service site at St. Thomas. As soon as I got there, I went over to the fifth grade table. The girls were very loud and energetic today. It took many tries for me to get the girls to focus on their homework. They kept yelling at other kids across the room and making a mess with their food everywhere. Once they finally pulled out their homework assignments, they still continued to talk to each other. I'm not sure why, but the girls definitely were more energetic today than ever before. After about 45 minutes of arguing, two of the girls left, and the others were able to focus more on their homework. Their homework assignments today were to put their spelling words in alphabetical order and then to do 30 math problems. They did not need too much help with their homework. Instead they just seemed to enjoy having another person to talk to about their problems. I think that some of these kids don't have anyone at home that would be willing to listen to them talk. They probably need another figure in their life that they can seek advice from.

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